AIPB Forum Friends

Hello AIPB Forum Friends:


"I am on 7th cloud Feb 10 2011.doc" -  My view of Desktop accounting vs. Online (SaaS) accounting environment.

How to Read Credit Card Merchant Account Bill

Any documents that you would like to share with others please send me at (10MB limit). If it is larger then:

1) Use WinZip to compress the file (you can get older releases of WinZip (and many other software) from . There are some other alternatives to WinZip  (free GNU license) and some others like the freesite and CNet, WinRAR and many more.
2) If the zipped file is larger than 10MB then let me know ( and I will make another arrangement. 

From Jay Shah:
SMARTMONEY Calculators!

Basic Bookkeeping Tutorial from UK
Bookeeping at Wikipedia
CCH - Business Owner's Toolkit
Bean Counter - So You Want to Learn Bookkeeping?
Accounting Cartoons

You get this incredible mail that extols some urban legend - Before you forward it to many friends - Check for its validity!

The following sites have good list of free software on the Internet!
Free Software 1
Free Software 2
Free Software 3
Free Software 4

Acxiom Privacy Info:

Anti Virus, Spyware, Malware etc.
Microsoft Anti Spyware software     Microsoft Windows One Care   Ad-Aware Personal
Online Spyware Scan   PC Tools Online Spyware Scan   
Removal of Malware - "HiJack This" Software

The following sites have excellent set of tips from how to use Gmail to Vonage and more:
Jim's Tips
Tips & Tutorial 1
What is Internet and WorldWide Web - UC Berkley Tutorial

AIPB Forum Dialog on Pros and Cons of QB & PT
AMT Charts:; IRS's AMT Assistant
2005 Year End Tax Estimator Calculator
2005 Highlights of New Tax Law Changes
Gulf Zone Opportunity Act 2005
I-9 Form
Introduction to Financial Accounting - Professor Thomas C. Omer

Images for your website - Cheryl Thompson
To start, try : and

Test your Interent Speed and QoS:

LogMeIn Quick FAQ      LogMeIn Detailed FAQ   LogMeIn User Manual

XP Pro REMOTE ACCESS Articles from WEB:
Virtually There and Everywhere via Windows XP's Remote Desktop - You DO need XP Pro on the machine you need to access!

1) Uni of Illinois - Explanation of Remote Desktop   2)  UWM - How to Use XPRemote Access
3) Using Windows XP Remote Access                   4) WIndows XP Remote Access  
5)  Troubleshooting Windows XP Pro with Remote Access    
6) PC Stats - XP Pro Remote Desktop Set Up 
7) Pc Tech - Setting up Remote Access in Windows XP
8) Tech Tutorials- Windows XP Pro Remote Access   

Harold Taylor's Time Management Checklist
Sample Bookkeeping Fees Schedule
Some E&O Insurance Service Providers
Sample of Nondiclosure and Noncompte Letter
Some ideas on Online Backup and Restore Services
Record Retention Schedule
Sleeter Group's New Client Checklist

From Kimberley Thomas-Catanzaro:
Bookkeeping Rate Increase sample letter.

Chart of Accounts (COA) are from several members with major contributions from Lynne Ganoe.
COA Refererence &    

COAs for: Auto Repair, Candy Store, Catering, Childcare, Church, Construction, Distributor, Gift Shop, Heating and Air, Landscaping, Law Office, LLC, Manufacturing, Medical, Restaurant, and Trucking industries.

From Bob Solebello:
Business Promotion and Accounting Service letters
 Accounting Service sample Letters from Bob Solebello
 Business Promotion sample letters for Accounting firm from Bob Solebello
An Evolutionary Defense of Bookkeeping

From Rox:
Rox's Quick Basics for QB 2003
Good Site for decent free software:  (includes winzip)
An excellent resource for computer tech assistance and programs
Looking for older version of a software? Try -
If you want to send LARGE file try


Get the latest the latest patches BEFORE  get the latest patched version - CHUCK VIGENT:

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Lost password? Try:
For lost QB password
QB Password Removal:
Lost .zip file password?
From Cheryl Thompson -

Anti Virus, Spyware, Malware etc.
Microsoft Anti Spyware software     Microsoft Windows One Care   Ad-Aware Personal
Online Spyware Scan   PC Tools Online Spyware Scan   
Removal of Malware - "HiJack This" Software

From Betsy Rheaume and Laura G:  QB & PT Forums
Quick Book Users Forum    Quick Books Users Forum on Yahoo
Quick Book Coomunity Forum
Peach Tree Users Forum      Peach Tree Users Forum on Yahoo

From Crystal Thiboduex: online site to create/submit 1099/1096's for few and not bulk!

From Cyndy Hartman:
Register your business on SuperPages for free.

From Lorin Browing:
Special Enrollment Exam Study Kit Materials

From Chuck Warman:
How to decide a person is a Qualified Dependent or not? By Chuck Warman

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